About Hilltop Place
Hilltop Place Community Association (HPCA) was incorporated in 1971 under the laws of the State of New Hampshire. There are 147 condominium units at Hilltop Place on approximately 55 acres of land, grouped in “clusters” with large fields between. The Association is governed by a Board of Directors elected by the owners, and managed day-to-day by our manager and maintenance staff. Built in six separate parts, that origin is reflected in the “cluster” structure, each being a legal entity with its own declaration and bylaws which determined an owner’s rights and obligations. However all the clusters have delegated all their important functions to the HPCA so the community now functions as a single unit.
At Hilltop each owner owns the interior living space, “the paint and inwards”. The buildings and the grounds are common areas with some parts (attics, garages, patios and decks) assigned to each unit as “limited common area”. The owners vote the assessments that all must pay. This revenue allows us to pay for our staff and the maintenance of buildings and grounds. The current assessments are a monthly fee and a new-owners buy-in fee. There have been no special assessments needed in over fifteen years.
Hilltop has a full-time manager responsible for day-to-day operations, for overseeing the office and maintenance staff and for the financial management of the Association under the supervision of the HPCA Board of Directors. Our staff takes care of the grounds and buildings, including mowing, plowing, landscaping, building maintenance, and trash collection. They are also available through work orders to do small jobs for individual residents such as electrical and plumbing repairs, and installation of awnings and air conditioners, at a charge set by the Board of Directors.
About New London
​Hilltop Place is located in New London, within three miles of Tracy Memorial Public Llibrary, the Chapin Senior Center, the town offices, the post office, Colby-Sawyer College, the New London Hospital, Bucklin town beach, the Barn Playhouse, several churches, banks, and restaurants, and many stores including groceries, pharmacies, clothing stores – i.e., all the usual services of a town which is the market center for both its residents and those of surrounding towns. Many of these locations are within walking distance of Hilltop.
The town of New London maintains town beaches on both Little Lake Sunapee and Pleasant Lake, an ice skating area in the winter, and a network of hiking trails. Hilltop has an area for those wishing a vegetable garden.
Real Estate
Every year some Hilltop units are offered for sale by their owners. Local realtors handle virtually all these transactions. Anyone interested is advised to contact an agent or check the multiple listing website for New London.